Exchange Agreement Signed with Busan National University of Education (Republic of Korea)

Our university signed an agreement for educational and academic exchange, as well as student exchange memorandum with Busan National University of Education, of Korea. Both documents came into effect with the signature, as of June 15.
Universities specialized in education in South Korea are positioned as higher education institutions that mainly train primary school teachers. Busan National University of Education is one of 11 such universities that exist in South Korea. The university opened in 1946 as Busan Normal School (primary teacher training), and restructured under the name of Busan National College of Education in 1963. Then, in 1993, it was renamed to the current Busan National University of Education, and the graduate school was established in 1996.
There are 74 faculty members, and approximately 2,200 undergraduate and 400 graduate students.
The undergraduate studies are structured with 13 programs: Ethics Education, Korean Language Education, Social Studies Education, Mathematics Education, Science Education, Practical Arts Education, Music Education, Fine Arts Education, Physical Education, English Education, and Computer Education, as well as the Department of Education and Early Childhood Education. Also,
the graduate school offers studies in education with evening courses in 15 majors and seasonal courses in 11 majors.
Busan Metropolitan City, where the university is located, is the second largest metropolis of South Korea. Historically as well, the city once had a Japanese residential area and has been known as a hub of Japanese-Korean exchange. Busan National University of Education is one of the main participants of International Consortium for Universities of Education in East Asia, and promoting exchange with the university will not only help deepen the understanding of the neighbor country’s teacher training,
but also be a strong driving force to accelerate the cross cultural understanding among OKU’s student, staff and faculty members.

Exchange Agreement Signed with Busan National University of Education (Republic of Korea)
Exchange Agreement Signed with Busan National University of Education (Republic of Korea)