Kashiwara Campus Toured by Taiwanese Educators
On Thursday, October 28, a group of nine Taiwanese educators, including elementary and middle school principals and superintendents of Pingdong County, visited our Research and Development Center for Teacher Education. The group exchanged views on our teacher training program, in-service teacher education program and teacher skills development project, among other topics.
Those who participated from our university were: Research and Development Center for Teacher Education Director and Professor Junko Yasufuku, Professor Shuichi Nakanishi, Associate Professor Saori Jinmura, and International Center Advisor and Professor Shigeru Jochi.
First, the Center Director Yasufuku introduced our university and Research and Development Center for Teacher Education, followed by Associate Professor Jinmura, who described the teacher training program and in-service teacher education program, as well as the four-year teaching practice build-up system that was implemented this year. Professor Nakanishi wrapped the presentation by explaining the occupational skills development project for teachers, designed by the Center. The participants listened with enthusiasm, and an active exchange took place in the following Q&A session, about the university’s relationship with the education board and schools in the community, various issues in today’s classrooms, etc.
The many differences between Japanese and Taiwanese teacher training systems led to an earnest opinion exchange, which was valuable to both parties.