
May 1949 Osaka Gakugei University (Osaka University of Liberal Arts) was established by the national government as a national universities in accordance with the National School Law, consolidating the Osaka First Normal School and the Osaka Second Normal School.
April 1954 The Faculty of Liberal Arts was divided into the First Faculty (for day-time courses) and the Second Faculty (for evening course), and the Evening Course was opened at the Tennoji Campus.
June 1967 The University was renamed as Osaka Kyoiku University (Osaka University of Education), and the Faculty of Liberal Arts was renamed as the Faculty of Education.
April 1968 The Graduate School of Education (Master's Programs) was established.
April 1988 The First Faculty and the undergraduate courses were reorganized, and The Department of Arts and Sciences was established as a part of the Faculty of Education.
April 1989 The International Student Center was established.
May 1992 The Kashiwara Campaus was inaugurated, and the Ikeda Campus moved to the Kashiwara Campus.
May 1993 The Hirano Campus and the University Headquarters moved to the Kashiwara Campus.
November 1994 The University celebrated its 120th Anniversary and the Campus Consolidation.
April 2001 The new main building opened on the Tennoji Campus as a part of the Plan of Campus Renovation.
April 2003 The National Mental Support Center for School Crisis was established.
April 2004 The National University Corporation, Osaka Kyoiku University, was established.
April 2006 The Research and Development Center for Teacher Education was established.
April 2007 The Center for Science Education was established.
July 2008 The International Center was established.
April 2010 The Course for Elementary School Teachers and the Course for Junior High School Teachers are reorganized at the Course for School Teachers.
  The Career Support Center was established.
April 2012 The Research and Development Center was renamed Research Center for Teacher Education.
March 2015 Global Education Center was established.
April 2015 The United Graduate School of Professional Teacher Education was established.
April 2017 Course for Kindergarten Teachers and Course for Elementar£ù School Teachers (5years) are reorganized at Elementary School Teacher Program.
¡¡ The Course for School Teachers and Course for Special Needs Education Teachers are reorganized at Course for Elementary and Junior High School Teachers.
¡¡ Department of Educational Collaboration was established.
February 2018 Center for Global Education and Research was established.
April 2019 Graduate School of Education and The United Graduate School of Professional Teacher Education was reorganized.
April 2020 The National Mental Support Center for School Crisis was renamed National Center for School Safety Promotion.
¡¡ Research Center for Teacher Education was renamed Center for Community Outreach and Educational Promotion.
¡¡ Informaition Processing Center was named Center for Information and Communication Technology.
¡¡ The Center for Science Education was renamed Center for Educational Innovation Design.
¡¡ Study Support Center was established.
April 2021 Graduate School of Education was reorganized.