Income and Disbursement Records


unit:thousand yen

Subsidies for Operating Expenses 6,153
Subsidies for Supplies and Equipment 881
Subsidies 368
Subsidy from National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education 27
Tuition and Examination Fees 2,469
Miscellaneous Income 104
Cooperative Research and Contributions 510
Reversal of Reserve for Purpose 284
Reversal of Allowance 11
Total 10,806


unit:thousand yen

Education and Research Expenses 8,769
General Administration Expenses 908
Supplies and Equipment Expenses 212
Subsidies 35
Business Expenses of Cooperative Research and Contributions 305
Total 10,194

Grants from Outside The University

Classification FY2018 FY2019 FY2020
Number Accepted Amount of Money Number Accepted Amount of Money Number Accepted Amount of Money
Endowments 309 207,209 584 230,796 614 220,458
Requested Research Grant by Private Sector 5 3,475 8 6,978 2 1,650
Join Research Grant 6 33,288 5 37,361 5 60,674
Requested Projects Grant 19 42,510 19 37,972 10 25,897
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 176 149,615 174 121,990 191 138,049
Total 515 436,097 790 435,097 822 446,728